Photograper Jac Rop died at the age of 82.
His carreer as a photograper started in 1946 where he borrowed a camera from a friend in Oldenzijl. During his stay in indonesia he created a lot of pictures. After his return he bought a Box Ten camera with adjustible shutter times.
In the early 60 together with Sietse Koers he revitalized the photo and small-film association name De Cycloop. The club meetings where hold at the loft of the photo shop of Huizinga in Stadskanaal. For many years he made a lot of pictures in the surroundings of Stadskanaal. He was also a volunteer for the Streekhistories meseum in Stadskanaal. He collaberated on a foto documentry of the glass factury in Nieuw-Buinen, and a documentry on shipping.
Books where he collaberated on incluid
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As a photographer he won a lot of prices for example with the bond of nederlandse fotografen and the international Folkloristisch dans festival SIVO in Odoorn
There is a website create by Dirk rop where you can see a small number of pictures created by Jack Rop